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Partners in Print_Swigart+Steg_Studio Waveland.jpeg

Partners in Print: Frances Swigart and Jim Steg, 

a two-person exhibition celebrating the prolific creative legacy of Frances Swigart and Jim Steg,

partners in life and in art.

February 12- March 5th


#3DMISSISSIPPI Sculpture Exhibition


celebrating renowned sculptors in a one of a kind 3D sculpture exhibition!

June 26 through October 12, 2021.  


Studio Waveland + Gallery is celebrating the diversity of sculpture by showcasing a large group of renowned artists from around the country in #3DMISSISSIPPI, an exhibition located in and outside of Studio Waveland + Gallery in Waveland, Mississippi.

Wayne Amedee

Erin Lee Antonak

Jan Auleta

John Barnes

Babette Beaullieu

Raine Bedsole

David Borgerding

H. Grace Boyle

Mary Ann Breen

Jeffie Brewer

Marcus Brown

Hernan Caro

Tara Conley

Anita Cooke

Stephen Paul Day 

Earl Dismuke

Adam Farrington

Coulter Fussell

Erica Larkin Gaudet

Mitchell Gaudet

Ryan Gianelloni

Jim Grice

Mark Grote

Sally Heller

Ana Hernandez

Jordan Ivanov

Christina Juran

Mia Kaplan

Ray Katz

Lawson King

Gene Koss

Kristina Larson

Jorge Lovato

Steve Martin

Ulrika Matthiessen

Martin Needom

Walter Neill

Larry Daniel Nevil

Gary Oaks

Jennifer Odem

Sibylle Peretti

Martin Payton

Alex Podesta

Bradley Sabin

Robert Tannen

Emery Kate Tillman

George Tobolowsky

Jennifer Torres

Carlie Trosclair

Rontherin Ratliff

Seth Thibodaux

Luba Zygarewicz





Works of 13 Artists.

Exhibition Dates: May 14- June 12,2021.



Mark Bercier

Wendo Brunious 

Veronique Day

Kerr Grabowski

Mary Hardy

Ana Hernandez

Miro Hoffmann

Frahn Koerner

Ulrika Matthiessen

Bill Myers

Mary Jane Parker

eLIZabeth d. schafer

Maddie Stratton



May 14 - Exhibition Opening: 5- 8 pm, along with Food Truck Friday

May 22-  Coffee with the Artists:  12-2

May 29-  OPEN Saturday 12- 4 

June 5-   OPEN Saturday 12- 4

June 11-  Late night OPEN Gallery with Waveland Food Truck Friday 5-8 pm

June 12-  Last Day of Exhibition, OPEN Saturday 12- 4

Mitchell Gaudet

Then and Now

March 6th- April 24th

Then and Now is an exhibition of artwork by Mitchell Gaudet from 2008 to 2020. Less of a retrospect and more of a sampling of work spanning the last fifteen years, most pieces have only been shown in his studio or recently completed. 

Work exhibited include all of the New Orleans murder tracking pieces, Morta Mantle built from 13000 AR-15 casings, repurposed religious statues from hurricane Katrina and work from his Glass House series.

“I have has sculpted glass and metal for over thirty years. Welded steel and cast glass are my primary methods of working. I enjoy the construction of both decorative as well as socially commentating work and am realizing that the difference is often a fine line. The use of glass allows me the opportunity to introduce an element of beauty to a work that is sometimes awful in its message. I incorporate similarly themed pieces into exhibitions that often thread the line between an art event, archeological museum and carnival sideshow. “

- Mitchell Gaudet


228 Coleman Avenue Waveland, MS 39576

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